Sunday, April 01, 2012

Weekly roundup: announcing a new startup

Have you ever read a blog post, Wikipedia or TVTropes article and get spoiled about how Darth Vader is actually Luke's father? (Sorry)
Even with streaming and a network accessible from all over the world, watching movies and TV series at our own pace is increasingly difficult as even the most innocent-looking web pages can contain news about Bruce Willis's death, about how that name was his sled and that Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face.
My new startup, SpoilerAlert SRL, will produce browser extensions that read the text embedded in HTML pages and cut away possible spoilers or blank the lines containing them. I'm sure many people will pay for this service!
Possible follow-ups to the initial service are filtering spoilers also from YouTube videos (not showing clips from too-new Doctor Who episodes) and allowing the user to specify an in-universe chronological point like Already watched Episode V or Already watched Victory of the Daleks; in the latter case only revelations from newer episodes of the series will be filtered.
How we will do this is an highly-guarded patent-pending technology for parsing natural language and store web pages in the Time Vortex. If you want to get an invitation for the service...

P.S. These are my articles published this week on DZone.
Including PHP libraries via Composer
Bullets for legacy code
The return of Vim
Lean Tools: Value Stream Mapping

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