Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly roundup: basic testing

Here are my "slides" for the (Italian) talk I held at PHP.TO.START this week. It has been nice to meet so passionate colleagues in Turin, not only from the PHP field but also in the startup arena. If I can't find you and you see this, comment here or ping me on Twitter so that I can follow you.
The talk's topic is the evolution of testing in PHP - from manual to automatic and from a scope oriented to correctness to an aid in design.

Here are my original articles published this week on DZone.
Lean Tools: Seeing Waste is the first of a series of articles on Lean tools in their software development version (Lean is a movement that goes beyond the software field, of course.)
PHP objects in MongoDB with Doctrine contains code for working with the Doctrine Object-Document Mapper and for integrating it with the ORM.
TravisCI Intro and PHP Example shows you how to setup an open source project to build itself on Travis CI (for free).
Sometimes Python is magic because of its __methods.

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