Sunday, February 26, 2012

Biweekly roundup: PHP.TO.START

The Turin PHP User Group has been growing in the last months and have now organized a free one-day conference on March 21st. I will be a speaker with a basic talk on automated testing of PHP applications.
I'm getting to know better the diffusion of PHP in Milan and Turin - cities where historically there was not much attention for this ecosystem. The message is clear: investing on PHP as one of the platforms you specialize in your career is not a dead end.

Here are my articles published in the last two weeks on DZone. The Practical PHP Refactoring series has ended, but I will always have space for PHP related articles.
Practical PHP Refactoring: Separate Domain from Presentation is one of the most necessary large-scale refactorings to perform on legacy code.
Bottle: a lightweight Python framework explains the first steps for developing a Python web application with Bottle.
Practical PHP Refactoring: Extract Hierarchy explains how to segregate the responsibilities of a God class.
Spam filtering with a Naive Bayes Classifier in R is a full-featured example of R usage for data mining.
Erlang's actor model explains one of the ways this language blows your mind.
The 7 habits of highly effective developers is an essay on a fluffy topic - which personal habits are beneficial to our job, solving problems?
Writing clean code in PHP 5.4 is a photograph of the new features of PHP and how they may be abused to write spaghetti code.
Our experience with Domain Events is a summary of how we have come to use Events as an additional Domain Model pattern in DDD.


Anonymous said...

Hey Giorgio, how did you get blogger to switch to your own domain? I'd like to do like also.

Giorgio said...

Here is a guide:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Giorgio.

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