Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekly roundup: Italian Agile Day

Yesterday I followed via streaming the 8th edition of the Italian Agile Day, since I was unable to go to Rome for the event. If you speak Italian, stay tuned as many talks have been recorded and will be published (the event does not seek profit.)
Of course I missed the networking dimension of such a big event, but at least I enjoyed some talks on methodology while I am mostly a technical person. Look for the bottleneck!

Here are my original articles published this week on DZone.
Practical PHP Refactoring: Separate Query from Modifier is about respecting the Command/Query Separation principle.
Selenium 2 from PHP code explains which options you have right now for accessing the Selenium 2 (WebDriver) Api from a PHP script.
Practical PHP Refactoring: Parameterize Method explains how to unify different versions of a method in a single one with more parameters.
Creating a virtual server with Vagrant: a practical walkthrough is an howto for making Vagrant build a virtual machine with your OS and software of choice, instead of creating that machine and go through the installation process of an .iso image yourself.

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