Friday, September 23, 2011

Who disagrees with me? Fourth and final issue

I've just sent the fourth edition of the Who disagrees with me? newsletter, a pretotype for an aggregator of challenging links aimed to burst the filter bubble and confirmation bias. If that sounds obscure, consider as an example picking a PHP programmer like me and showing him where Ruby (or Java, or JavaScript) beats its preferred language. Ignoring the fact does not make the PHP programmer any better...
With this fourth edition I conclude the experiment of the newsletter and start thinking about a web application; I will take a look at analytics and subscriptions/unsubscriptions to see what has been the level of interest in the last weeks to see if the idea can be pursue further.
Please your opinions and criticism about Who disagrees with me? and these four issues in the comments.

1 comment:

Carl Helmertz said...

I subscribed to the PHP version and really enjoyed the essay about functional programming. Stories of that length (and quality) are well suited for commuting etc, when the "thinking different" part really suits. Cool idea - thanks!

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