Sunday, September 04, 2011

Weekly roundup: speaking at PBC 2011

There is no official schedule yet, but speakers are beginning to confirm their presence to PHP Barcelona 2011. I will be there, with my talk on the Pomodoro Technique, a time management tool inspired by eXtreme Programming/Agile methodologies and widely diffused also outside of the software development field.
I also have seen confirming Juozas Kaziukenas, Stephan Hochdörfer, and Marcelo Duarte from iBuildings. See you all in October in Barcelona!

Meanwhile, here are my original articles published this week on DZone.
Practical PHP Refactoring: Duplicate Observed Data is a refactoring associated with moving fields from the presentation layer to the domain one, in the cases where their values take part to the execution of some logic, like validation or a change in state.
There's no reason not to switch to DocBlox is an overview of an Api documentation generator for PHP 5.3, which together with phpdox will replace the older phpDocumentor, not maintained anymore.
Practical PHP Refactoring: Change Unidirectional Association to Bidirectional targets the transformation of a pointer between two objects in a bidirectional reference, where each object can navigate the graph towards the other.
Offline web applications: a working example is, in fact, a working example of an HTML5 application that you can load in the browser once and then use forever after severing the connection with the server, or closing and reopening the browser. The goal of course, is to make a comparison with native mobile applications.


Filippo Tessarotto said...

Ciao Giorgio, ho intenzione di partecipare al PHP Barcelona: vista la tua esperienza passata, qualche suggerimento sul come arrivarci dall'Italia e sul pernottamento?

Giorgio said...

Da Malpensa con easyjet trovi voli low cost per El Prat con solo bagaglio a mano; da lì l'anno scorso ho preso un taxi per comodità ma credo che cercherò di arrivare a un posto con la metropolitana (che non c'è all'aeroporto) per andare alla fermata Cornellà.
Per l'hotel non saprei perché me lo organizzano loro.

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