Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekly roundup: referendum day

Today (and tomorrow) Italian get the chance to vote in a referendum on nuclear power, water privatization and whether politicians can go on trial. #IoHoVotato (I have voted) was a worldwide trending topic this morning on Twitter.
For the referendum to be valid, more than 50% of the citizens must vote. If you are Italian, you have the chance to do so up to the 15 of Monday.

To cheer you up after you return from the voting booth, here is the list of my article published this week on DZone.

Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Generated Value is the last pattern for prodiving expected and input values in tests.
On commits and commit messages is an analysis on commit ACID properties and on the lost art writing messages.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Dummy Object is a specialization of the Test Double pattern.
The Victorian Internet, and the Victorian social networks tells the story of an invention that predates the Internet and had a similar, and probably greater, social impact.

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