Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekly roundup: back from DPC 2011

I am back home from Amsterdam, after having attended the Dutch PHP Conference 2011 and having presented my tutorial on isolation of tests and a talk on Domain-Driven Design.
Which, in a different way from the phpDay 2011 version, was liked by some attendees and also widely criticized by many. Thanks to the many attendees who took the time to give feedback on, as it's difficult for a speaker to find out the problematic areas which he has to focus on (more on that in the next days). I commonly express myself with writing and addressing a crowd is very different in many aspects.

While I was at the conference, these original articles were published on DZone.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Dependency Injection
The 4 rules of simple design
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Dependency Lookup
Git backups, and no, it's not just about pushing

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