Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weekly roundup: back from Bardonecchia

I have returned from an Alta Scuola Politecnica one-week event organized by (UX|service|strategic|product) designers, and although I had some reserves at first I enjoyed the startup game where we had to craft an experiment to test the viability of a service idea, using only existing technologies (no fancy web application allowed). This approach is reminescent of Google's Pretotyping Manifesto, so it struck the right chord in me.

Anyway, while I was away my four weekly articles have been published by my editor.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Humble Object shows you how to deal with untestable controllers and other framework-based objects.
How to bomb a technical talk is about what I have learned from my first foreign, professional conference.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Test Hook is a measure of last resort.
The eXtreme Programming Values are not just a marketing tool.

Monday, May 23, 2011

DPC 2011 slides

Here are my slides for the Testing in isolation tutorial. A link is included pointing to the Git repository, this time with tags. :)

These are the slides for the Domain-Driven Design talk (similar to the phpDay 2011 version). Link to the Git repository is included too.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekly roundup: back from DPC 2011

I am back home from Amsterdam, after having attended the Dutch PHP Conference 2011 and having presented my tutorial on isolation of tests and a talk on Domain-Driven Design.
Which, in a different way from the phpDay 2011 version, was liked by some attendees and also widely criticized by many. Thanks to the many attendees who took the time to give feedback on, as it's difficult for a speaker to find out the problematic areas which he has to focus on (more on that in the next days). I commonly express myself with writing and addressing a crowd is very different in many aspects.

While I was at the conference, these original articles were published on DZone.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Dependency Injection
The 4 rules of simple design
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Dependency Lookup
Git backups, and no, it's not just about pushing

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Packing for DPC 2011

I'm leaving in the afternoon from Milano Linate to Amsterdam in order to participate to the Dutch PHP Conference.

I will present:

See you at #dpc11!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekly roundup: back from phpDay 2011

Yesterday's evening I arrived home from the phpDay, and I have lots of things to share with you.

First of all, the slides of my two presentations.

And then, four of my articles published this week.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Table Truncation Teardown shows the first option for resetting a relational database between tests: deleting everything from the tables but maintaining the schema for speed.
PHP UML generation from a live object graph shows you a bit of code I written in order to generate an Uml class diagram from a group of instantiated PHP objects.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Transaction Rollback Teardown shows you another option for resetting a database in tests: rolling back a transaction.
Bleeding edge JavaScript for object orientation contains the new features which will be available in the generation of browsers containing Firefox 4 and Internet Explorer 9.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Interview on Voices of the Elephpant

There is an interview with me, recorded with Cal Evans, on the Voices of the Elephpant podcast. You can enjoy my Italian accent and my random pronunciation of injection. :)

Inside: design for testability, the Shower Methodology, test maintainability.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Weekly roundup: International Workers' Day

Today is International Workers' Day, at least in most of the Western countries. It's Sunday, so we do not really have an additional day of vacation, but the spirit's the same. May your job fulfill you, as work is an undeniable part of our lives.

Here are my original articles published this week.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Testcase Superclass is a solution for sharing code between Testcase Classes via inheritance.
The Gang of Four patterns as everyday objects is a list of metaphors and pictures to explain the GoF design patterns meaning without a line of code.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Test Helper is an alternative to Testcase Superclass which favors composition over inheritance.
All you want to know about Web Storage is an essay on the Api and characteristics of Web Storage, which is a form of local storage in web browsers specified along with HTML 5.

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A map metaphor for architectural diagrams

It is a (two-dimension) representation of a pipe. The map is not the territory , but in software engineering terms they are models of it....

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