Monday, November 15, 2010

The PHPUnit Refcard is out

My PHPUnit Refcard is now available for download. Hope you enjoy it.

Do you occasionally forget the syntax for creating Mocks and Stubs in PHPUnit? Or wonder how a command line option work? Or if there is an assertion that may be perfect for the test you're writing? Then this Refcard can help you.

The Refcard is a PDF cheatsheet of 6 pages, which interleaves code samples with explaining test and sample outputs. Getting to know PHPUnit to use it at its full potential will be a little easier now. :)


maghribi's said...

Cant download. It says 502 Bad Gateway

Giorgio said...

Hi, I have tried now (it's not my server) and it seems to work, that may be a temporary outage of DZone. Can you retry?

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