Monday, November 22, 2010

Paamayim Nekudotayim

I think that few will get it, but I am confident in the geekness of my readers (probably Italian are at an advantage here.)


admirau said...

:: !== .... ;)

FireHawk said...

I can't find the connection with scope resolution and cars, I suck at this jokes I guess maybe.

Anonymous said...

fiat punto right?

Giorgio said...

The scope resolution operator in Italian is "four dots" which is "Quattro punti/o"... :)
@admirau: my colleagues suggested I look for a car wrecker to build a :: instead of a ....

Avi block said...

I would reckon that those of us who speak Hebrew at an even bigger advantage. Paamayim Nekudatayim literally means "Two colons".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mmm.ok. guess one should speak italian and know car models.

Abdulsattar said...

Look at the lights instead. There are two street lights and one of them has two together! Just pretend the other one too has two and you'll see Paamayin Netudotayin written in lights!

Abdulsattar said...

Or look at the windows of the buildings in the background. You'll see a solid case of one in the building on the extreme right.

Jesus said...


oh my good, you're sick!

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