Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekly roundup: returned from PBC 2010

I've just come back (in yesterday's evening) from Barcelona and the wonderful PHP Barcelona 2010 conference.
I was the only guy talking about testing and design for testability there - as Enrico noted during the return trip, the Spanish community is different from the Italian one in interests and offerings. At phpDay 2010 in Italy, half of the schedule was centered on Agile practices, while technical topics were the real heart of this conference.
Thus, many thanks to the organizers, which worked really hard to provide a smooth experience to us, and to the 400 attendees that followed as many talks as possible. It has been nice having a so passionated audience, with people even sitting on the floor when all the seats were already filled.
My slides for the talk Architecture and testability are available for downloading or online consultation.

Anyway, just because I travelled this week it does not mean I stopped writing. Here are my articles published from the last roundup.
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Scripted Test
INVEST in user stories
Practical PHP Testing Patterns: Data-Driven Test
Primitive Obsession

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The italian phpDay raised some criticism cause of the less technical level of the session.

I've heard about people complaining about "too much generalized agile".

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