Monday, September 27, 2010

Speaking at PHP Barcelona 2010

I'll be presenting my talk Architecture and testability in its English version at the PHP Barcelona Conference. I gave the Italian version of this presentation at phpDay in May.

This is the abstract:
Testing a web application may seem an hard task, but nowadays it is a fundamental part of the development process that ensures the application does not experience regressions, and it is free to grow incrementally. My point is that testability is a property which is desiderable not only for the ease of building an automated test suite, but also for the positive effects on the overall architecture that maintaining an application testable at the unit level produces. For example, being able to test a class in isolation is a sign of enough decoupling of it from the other collaborators, while keeping a limit on test cases length forces the production classes to be cohesive in functionalities.
The treated topics range from Dependency Injection to the Law of Demeter to the inherent evil Singletons and static classes. I'm a practical guy, so I will show you code; but not so much that it isn't readable.
This is an occasion for everyone who wanted to see my talk at phpDay, but wasn't there, to get a nice wrap-up about why making your code testable improves its design.
By the way, the conference will take place on the 29th and 30th of October, and a two-day ticket costs only 60€, of which I receive nothing. Hope to see you in Barcelona. :)

1 comment:

Christof Damian said...

Looking forward to see you here!

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