Friday, February 26, 2010

Some news on my activities

This week has been very satisfactorily so far.

First, my talk for phpDay, the most important yearly Italian conference on php, has been accepted. The talk will be in Italian and it takes place on the last day of the conference, May 15th. The title is Architettura e testabilità.
Here is the abstract [Italian]:
Il design di un'applicazione può essere influenzato positivamente da diverse pratiche. La facilità di testing é condizione sufficiente per un architettura che garantisca semplice manutenzione e alta coesione dei componenti.
Argomenti trattati: Dependency Injection, Law of Demeter, Design Pattern creazionali (Factory vs. Singleton), Api oneste.
The tickets have now low prices as this is the early bird period.

Meanwhile, I've started writing for php|architect on; php|architect is one of the most prominent producer of php-related books and training courses.
My first post in their news section is about Zend Framework 2 roadmap.

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