Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A look at technical question on Naked Objects

Naked Objects pattern strips down the layering of your application to a single one: the Domain Model, and poses a lot of questions about how to implement the functionality that were present in the other layers.
As explained before, the Naked Objects pattern implies a framework that takes care of providing the other layers of an application in a completely generic manner, leaving you with only the responsibility to write a complete Domain Model. This raises immediate issues which are present in the original Pawson thesis and which I explain here with a language close to the developer who wants to use a Naked Objects approach, but is scared that it is only a buzzword for braindead, scaffolded user interfaces.
Here are the questions; the text in bold is quoted from the thesis, while the answers are mine.

How can the user create a new object instance, or perform other operations that cannot naturally be associated with a single object instance?
In a rich Domain Model there are Factories for the creation of objects when it is a complex procedure; otherwise, if it has a no-arguments constructor, it can be created directly by the framework. Thus, the new operator is wrapped in a method of another object, the Factory itself.
We have also Services, that connect business objects providing the operation which will cause coupling if placed on them. For example, a method called searchBooks(Author a) will be placed in a SearchingService class that will depend on Book and Author, but will not couple them to each other. In this case SearchingService could be a Repository.
However, the Naked Objects framework for Java take care of this and provides automatic injection of services in the business objects. Injecting in a newable object a service one sounds strange, since a common rule is that the entity should have a reference to a service only the stack (aka passed as a parameter), to allow the programmer to call new for it wherever he wants in the application.
Leave the business object free of the burden of a service is also possible, because by default every method of a service that has a particular domain object as a parameter will be listed in the user interface like it was on the object itself. In our example, the Author list of operations will show also list searchBooks(), passing automatically the object selected as actual parameter.

How does the concept of a generic presentation layer permit alternative visual representations of an object?
A unique visual representation is sometimes the best approach as it makes the application coherent. If this is really needed, the domain object can implements some standard interfaces of the framework that the generic user interface will recognize and use at its best.

How is the concept of a generic presentation layer compatible with the requirement to support multiple forms of user platform?
As long as the framework does the reflection work and provides metadata on the domain model, it is possible to implement many different generic presentation layers. The NO Java framework provides already a DragNDrop interface for local use and a web one, while there are many independent projects that features other interfaces to plug in.
If you really want, you can write manually a user interface: a side effect of working with the Naked Objects pattern is that the model is forced to be behaviorally complete and it simplifies the work of coding a user interface. In fact, usually a program does it for you.

With no use-case controllers permitted, how can naked objects support the idea of business process?
A REST guru will tell you: expose more resources, and instead of writing a controller to sends losts passwords via mail, you will produce a /lost-passwords/username resource that the user will POST or DELETE to.
There is no difference in a Naked Objects approach: you will produce a LostPasswordRequest object with some methods that once manipulated (with the aid of a mail service) will provide the desired behavior. The advantage is that the process will reside in the domain layer and it will be simpler to test; the skinny controller remains skinny as you cannot write it.
The objects like LostPasswordRequest are also called purposeful objects.

If core objects are exposed directly to the user, how is it possible to restrict the attributes and behaviours that are available to a particular user, or in a particular context?
Simply by conforming to an implicit interface, via duck typing. Where there is a setName() method, if sometimes this should not be used, the framework says to provide a allowName() method that returns a boolean. This is an implicit interface in the sense that the developer is not forced to implement a specific interface but only to write methods with signatures that follow a standard pattern. When the method is not present, a default behavior is provided.
Another option is to configure via an acl the single method access level, preserving some method only for certain admin roles.

How is it possible to invoke multiple parameter methods from the user interface?
Talking of the NO Java framework, the DragNDrop interface will not allow you to do this, suggesting to narrow down the parameters to one.* I think if a service method has two parameters it can be viewed as a single parameter one on the two business object involved, as I explained previously.
Not allowing methods with many parameters to be called in the user interface (they can be used internally but not exposed) will help keep the model simple, and introduce Parameter Object. However, the Web interface allow these calls providing a form to compile with the various parameters.
* Update: this is no longer true as the thesis was about the first version of the framework. So this point is not an issue anymore.

Naked Objects could be the next paradigm shift in object-oriented programming. Why writing four layers when you should write only one?


Richard Pawson said...


Please note that the first sentence of the last point is not correct: "the DragNDrop interface will not allow you to do this".

This WAS true in the earliest versions of Naked Objects - you could only invoke single-parameter or one-parameter methods from the UI. So you might be quoting from something I wrote a long time ago. But Naked Objects has supported multi-parameter methods for some years now - invoking one results in a dialog, based on the parameters.

Richard Pawson

Giorgio said...

Thanks for the feedback, I updated the post thus making the last issues not an issue anymore.

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