Monday, July 27, 2009

How to stop getting megabytes of text when dumping an object

Php has a useful var_dump() function that helps debugging and unit tests writing by providing a text dump of all the properties of an object, being them public, private or protected. However, with an object that has a reference to the whole object graph, like a factory or an object that uses an abstract factory, the dump will be recursive and so long that it runs forever (probably it lasts several megabytes). Here's how to avoid it.

In the browser
When you are using a browser, the Xdebug extension comes in your help by generating a html dump truncated at an arbitrary level of depth. The installation on a unix box is pretty simple:
@ pecl install xdebug
run as root or with sudo. Pecl is the dual repository system of Pear and contains C extensions instead of Php userland packages; it is provided along with the pear binary in most of the installation of php.
Then add the following lines to php.ini:
Probably the first has been already placed from the installer. The second directive set the maximum depth of var_dump(), which is overloaded by the extension, to 2 levels.
There are other directives that influences the behavior of var_dump(), and more and more for activation of other xdebug features.
Make also sure that html_errors is on in php.ini, or ini_set() it.

On the command line
The command line environment is more complex to use, but it is the ideal for debugging, given its speed and automation capability. The var_dump() usage must be tweaked because the var_dump() overloading, as of Xdebug 2.0, works only with html_errors active, producing an html dump that is ugly to view as plain text.
Assuming you have done the same setup of the browser section above, here's a workaround method to use:
function dump($var)
ini_set('html_errors', 'On');
$dump = ob_get_contents();
echo strip_tags(html_entity_decode($dump));
It will get the html output of var_dump() even in a Cli environment that has the html_errors directive not set, and clean it to display as plain text.
Here's what I get dumping a PersistentCollection of Doctrine 2 now:
[16:54:23][giorgio@Marty:~/svn/doctrine2/tests]$ phpunit Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Functional/DetachedEntityTest.php
PHPUnit 3.3.17 by Sebastian Bergmann.
private '_type' => null
private '_snapshot' =>
private '_owner' => null
private '_association' => null
private '_keyField' => null
private '_em' => null
private '_backRefFieldName' => null
private '_typeClass' => null
private '_isDirty' => boolean true
protected '_initialized' => boolean true
protected '_elements' =>
0 =>
1 =>
The '...' ellipsis are added by Xdebug instead of showing thousands of objects and properties, because the PersistentCollection is provided with a reference to EntityManager for lazy-loading itself.
With the old var_dump() instead:
[16:54:23][giorgio@Marty:~/svn/doctrine2/tests]$ phpunit Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Functional/DetachedEntityTest.php > test.txt
I redirect the output to a text file because it is impossible to navigate from a terminal, but you have to expect some minutes because it takes forever to generate a full dump of the EntityManager and all other objects involved. Without redirecting lines are sent on terminal for a unspecified long time, and are also duplicated because var_dump() is not so smart in detecting recursion and it let happen for a while before stopping to output the same objects over and over. It was very frustrating but now it is easy to view even the most complex and coupled objects.
I know that the more an object is coupled, the less it is well written; but even if it only depends on an interface (a parameter in the constructor), at runtime that interface could be implemented by a very heavy object. Decoupling limits this process, but object must communicate and so they have to keep references to other collaborators: the Publish/Subscribe paradigm is very loose coupled, but dumping a publisher will output it, the blackboard and all the subscribers on Earth.
Summing up, Xdebug can boost your php productivity, and has many other features that will make easy to see what happens under the hood of your php application. Profiling and tracing are easily provided with other xdebug.* directives. If you are a php developer, install it as soon as possible.

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